The Perfect Exposure Gallery/Studio Photographers' forum - Dec 19, 2019

The forum includes:
food and drinks
Q & A session with speaker
Review of images brought by participants.
There will be always professionals who may be able to answer questions you may have.

A monthly meeting for photographers of all skill levels where you learn and share tips and tricks about everything in photography, from how to run a Bussiness to how to improve your photography.

In this forum which meets once a month, you will be able to meet professionals who will talk about everything from properly running a business, to how to promote your photography, social media for photographers and how to improve your photo skills in photojournalism, sports, nature, astrophotography, travel, people and commercial photography.
Pre-Registration $45.00
At the door $65.00

Date: Dec 19, 2019
Hours: 7pm to 10PM

Price: 45 per person. ( If you register before Tuesday 10, December 2019, the fee is 45.)

If you interested in coming along, please contact Armando Arorizo at the Perfect Exposure Gallery


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